Have you "SEEN" iPhone Siri's face ?

Have you seen the lady whom she responds to iPhone users ?

All you might have a great conversation with Siri,the intelligent personal assistant of Apple's iOS operating devices. 
Here is the real voice of Siri, Susan Bennett. 
Susan is an American voice-over artist born in the year 1949. She is best known for Voice of Sir. She's from New York. 

In the year 2011,4th October, Apple introduces Siri service. Susan gave her voice for the Siri. In June 2005,the software company ScanSoft was looking for someone to be the voice for database project involving speech construction and selected Susan for this post.
Susan began her career in 1974 when she was recorded as the Voice of First National Bank of Atlanta's.She also served as voice-learning software and GPS navigation software and telephonic systems. She also worked in numerous local and national television advertisements. 

When did Susan Bennett sign Siri ?

In July 2005, Susan started home recording booth,working four hours a day she read nonsensical phrases and sentences. They leave her awestruck work their magic by pulling out vowels, consonants, syllables and diphthongs and playing with her pitch and speed.

She thought that her voice would be employed in a phone systems company,but there's beyond something this. Susan was paid per hour and she didn't reveal the wage.

The surprise came in October 2011 after release of Apple iPhone 4S,the first Siri featured smartphone. But Susan was not aware of that. Finally she recognized her own recordings which were compiled years together, through Siri. 

Hope you've finally "SEEN" Siri. 

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