Have you seen Face Mites?

Face Mites - Demodex Folliculorum.

Have you ever seen Face mites on your body? Here is the answer. These are tiny mites normally found on cheeks, nose, eyebrows, eyelashes and forehead. These Demodex folliculorum lives in skin pores.
We carry them throughout our day, throughout our lives and generations together. There might be thousands or millions of mites on your body. Under normal conditions,they are not harmful to us.

The size of Demodex varies from 0.1mm to 0.4mm long. It possesses four pairs of short legs near its head and neck region. It has striated body and tail.

Interesting thing in these mites are , the DNA of these mites differ from country to country. For example, mites from America are genetically different from mites of China. The reason behind this point is that they are closely tied to our bodies. 

The Doemodex folliculorum was spotted in human earwax in France in 1842. In 2014,it became clear how they are. It is still not clear what sort of relationship we have with the Demodex mites. They are not parasites which take things from us and harm in the process. For most people, they are harmless.

Can we get rid of them ? 

Though there are treatments to kill Demodex mites, we can't get rid of them forever. These are mostly found on adults over 18 years of age. 
The lifespan of these mites are from 18 - 24 days in its host during which they feed on dead skin cells within hair follicles. 
Click here for Wiki reference.

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